1. I create a menu item that leads to a CB login page, however it shows in an odd horizontal layout (see attached). Why is this? Is this a CSS issue, or can I specify the orientation?
It uses the first CB Login module it finds in your database for its parameters. So edit your first module within Joomla module manager and adjust its settings there.
2. I have a third party component that I use for registered members, and when a non-logged-in member clicks on a link that requires them to login, Joomla takes them to the native Joomla login page. Is there a way to completely disable the native Joomla login page? I'm assuming I have to somehow set this third party component to forward to the CB login page instead of the native Joomla login?
Download, install, and enable free plugin CB Core Redirect and it'll redirect from all Joomla user URLs to relevant CB URLs.