So, I became a premium member JUST so i could get the anti-spam plugin. But, now that I have it, I dont think it does what I need. I'll post my issue here, and if its a configuration issue, thats great.
We run a number of very popular sites, and ALWAYS have people trying to hack us. We're locked down pretty good, but they are now trying to just brute-force passwords from the front-end. This is why I wanted CB Anti-spam.
The issue: They dont use the same IP every time they try a password. For example, here's a few log entries:
1 NapeImmumedge 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:42 PM 3 3
2 Roon 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:39 PM 1 6
3 NapeImmumedge 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:36 PM 6 1
4 NapeImmumedge 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:36 PM 1 5
5 Bifsempamma 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:35 PM 2 2
6 NapeImmumedge 0 0 0 05/17/2013 11:35 PM 1 4
As you can see, the user "NapeImmumedge" tried to login 4 times in 3 minutes, from different ip addresses.
I need the same "login" check, but actually ban the account name, not just an IP. These guys are apparently using a huge bank of ips for their brute forcing.