I saw that you cancelled the bug report at Forge (
). I'll keep investigating it and report with as much as details as I can.
I wasn't able to confirm the issue unfortunately. It also seams to work fine on your site when I saved. If possible please try again see if issue still persists. If it does please provide what Browser you're using as perhaps is a browser issue.
The problem is, that if I define "Show on profile - NO", then the field won't appear in the user list search form...
Any solution you can think of?
Ah, yeah that's normal CB behavior. If you want them visible elsewhere, such as userlists or substitutions, but not on their actual profile you should place them on a tab that is in a not shown on profile position and it should give you exactly what you're wanting.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for looking so deeply in the main subject of this thread and solving the issue so quickly.
I'm just glad everything is working fine for you now. You've been a great help in tracking down the bug and I very much appreciate your cooperation.