We are building for our client a social network targetted at pharmacists in Italy. We verify the fact that they are indeed qualified to subscribe trough their primary e-mail address, which should be a 'pharmacy-only' e-mail. Such an e-mail address exists, it's a very typically Italian thing, look up 'PEC' if you're curious
This means that for the primary e-mail input in registration, we want to verify not only that it is a valid e-mail address, but more strictly than that that it satisfies a regular expression that we provide. We included this regular expression in the CB field manager for e-mail, and indeed upon registration form submit it returns an error when the e-mail provided does not fit our regex. So far so good.
HOWEVER, we are using the 'cb conditional' plugin, to split the registration process in multiple conditional steps for the user. It is in the 'step 2' out of 4 steps of our registration that the e-mail input occurs, and we would love for this regex to be verified client side, as soon as the user presses NEXT. We enabled 'Validate' in the CB conditional configuration section, and this does client-side verification for passwords, required fields and e-mail addresses, but not for our regular expression. Could we somehow make this work?
IN SUMMARY our question is the following: when we enable 'validate' in the CB Conditional plugin for multi-step verification, can we also have it validate regular expressions client-side? (and thus, in our case, specifically, one that we provided for the primary email field)
Thanks a lot!