hi kyle,
thank you, that works.
You know, my english is not perfect and i'm trying to understand how cb subs work.
For my website, actually works when in menu :
Cb subs setting > content/integration > public and super user are set.
But to explain my website
I ve three sub plan,
one free
and two for pay.
In order to simplify acl, i've made two categories, one visitor, and one registered.
But with my registered free user based cbsub plan in time mode ex 30 days, i wan't to desactivate uddeim or pms.
So i'm trying to do that, but unfortunalty i'm unable to reech my objective.
I don't understand the manual totally.
Do you have tips, because i can't see pms in cdsubs plan integration content menu....
only uddeim, but not work.
Thank you for your help
Best regards