I just downloaded CB 1.9 and CB Subs 2.0.2 version to install on a new upgraded site at
. The production site is located at
and I have upgraded the production site with the new version of CB 1.9 and CB Subs 2.0.2 as well so that I can migrate all the data from the old site to the new site.
For some reason this effected my production site at
. I am now receiving a 404 error when trying to log into this alumni site and noticed that I have no license showing in my profile here for CB Subs anymore for this Blair site. What happened to it? It was a lifetime license so why did it disappear and is this why the CB log-in is not working on our site? I have not even started making any changes on the Blair site yet, but need to upgrade that as well.
I did not want to touch the Blair site because we have a huge event coming up in one month where a lot of people will need to log into the site to order tickets, etc. Can you possibly check what happened to my Blair site license for CB and CB Subs?