I am trying to hide content depending on the SB Subs Plan subscriptions. I have done this fine on a Joomla 1.5 in the past.
Now I am using Joomla 3.1.
I use this syntax in the content:
{cb:[cb:if cb_subscription=~"/2/"]Logged in with plan 2.[/cb:if]}
But it does not work. The frontend shows the plain code, so it seems the plugin is not working. Is this syntax still right or did it change since Joomla 1.5?
In the plugin management of community builder I get the following description with the content bot plugin:
CBSubs Content integration CB plugin: Provides paid access integration between CBSubs plugin and CMS content. WARNING: you also need to install and publish the CBSubs Bot CMS mambot/plugin.
Is this warning just a general notice or does it mean there's something wrong on my site?
I navigated to the joomla plugins andd found that the cbpaidsubsbot plugin is installed and enabled.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Just confused the Content Bot with the CBSubs Content Plugin.
Now it works. I just needed both plugins: