I create groups by a GroupJive auto action.
After that I want to fill the About-tab of the group (by another auto action) with a standard text which they can change later, if they want.
So basically I want to add the about_content ="<my standard text>" to the params field in the #__groupjive_groups table.
I tried for example:
require_once( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbgroupjive/cbgroupjive.class.php' );
$group = cbgjData::getGroups( array( array( 'grp_access', 'mod_lvl2' ), $user ), array( 'id', '=', (int) $grpid ), null, null, false );
$params = $group->getParams();
$content = "My standard text" ;
$params->set( 'about_content', $content );
But I cannot get it worked and maybe it is easier with just an sql query?
Thanks in advance,