Border radius works the same on divs as it does on tables.
That's correct, unless you need to add a border to a table in which case the table is rendered with squared corners.
More issues concerning nested tables in general:
- Accessibility - People with bad sight using screen readers might not be able to have content read back to them
- Mobile devices - Table structures do not display well in small screens
- Speed and bandwidth - Websites with high volume of traffic want/need to keep their bandwidth usage to a minimum. Delivering all that HTML might seem insignificant for small websites but it's an unnecessary burden for larger ones.
- Last but not least - I hate tables with a passion...but that just me. :silly:
Anyway, the image included in my first comment is that of the modified tooltip structure stripped of all tables that have been replaced with divs in overlib_all_mini.js and looks great in mobile devices as well. All remaining code has been left alone.
Have to say CB is such a great product and an invaluable tool, I'm having a lot of fun just playing with it and seeing what it's capable of. Great work you guys