When clicking on the link to find users (the site only has one user database), the site currently presents a list of all users, and a link on the far right entitled, “search users”. I do not want users to have the capability to view the entire user database, but rather only the users that matched their search criteria. As such, I want the site to be configured such that the ability to search users is presented first (not having to click again to get to that screen), and without showing the entire user list
You'll need to create an External Joomla menu link to the search mode URL of your userlist found at the top of your list while editing it within CB > List Management. This will present the search criteria expanded by default.
Further, after doing a search, the screen where the search results are displayed has a link on the far right entitled, “list all”. Again, in not wanting a user to see the entire database, I want to disable this link as well.
There is no disabling this feature, but you can at least hide it using the below CSS.
#cbUserListListAll {
display: none;