i have profiles where profile names come from different fields, dependable on the profile type, example: - individuals- first name field [cb_firstname] and last name field [cb_lastname], companies - company name [cb_companyname] field, educational bodies- institution name field [cb_institutionname] and so on.
i need values of those fields to be displayed in one field on profile, dependable on what profile user gets during registration. i.e individual's profile to display name and lastname in profile name field, company- company's name, educational body - institution's name
how can i do that?
1. using delimiter with substitutions -[cb_firstname][cb_lastname][cb_companyname][cb_institutionname] and then the one which has value entered will show up?
2. using 'name' predefined system field, with the same principle as with delimiter but then where to enter [cb_firstname][cb_lastname][cb_companyname][cb_institutionname]?
also name field shows profile username as its value no matter what i change, and then i guess user profile page name is generated from it.
pls advise
Thank you