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[SOLVED] Tabs appearing under profile edit

  • fribse2011
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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #235326 by fribse2011
[SOLVED] Tabs appearing under profile edit was created by fribse2011
Not sure what have gone wrong all of the sudden.

I see 3 tabs that I haven't seen previously when I edit a user profile.
User Status (the usual read only fields)

Maps (delimiter field that shows a google map, also read only)

HiddenFromAll (a tab that is on not_on_profile_1, and also only with read only fields).

The configuration is set to 'Shown empty tabs' No

What on earth just happened? Was it because I removed the privacy plugin?

This is J2.5.14 and CB1.9

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by krileon.

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11 years 4 months ago #235362 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Tabs appearing under profile edit
Edit your tab within CB > Tab Management and for the description click view source button for your WYSIWYG editor. Next remove any content in the description (even a empty paragraph element can cause it to display).

If that's no it and you have CB Privacy installed and tab privacy controls enabled for that tab then that'd explain why the tab is now showing, but I see you said you removed it.

Try right clicking in Chrome or Firebug for Firefox and see if the tab container has any content that may give a clue as to what is doing it.

Please check all your installed CB plugins and ensure they're all up to date. If not please update them. Once done if issue persists try disabling non-core CB plugins 1 by 1 until it resolves.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • fribse2011
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11 years 4 months ago #235373 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Tabs appearing under profile edit
No descriptions present.
The Status tab shows up twice in the source:

cbshowtabsArray.push( [,'tabPaneCB.setSelectedIndex( 1 );'] );

<div class="tab-page" id="cbtab21"><h2 class="tab">Bruger status</h2>
<table class="cbFieldsContentsTab cbFields" id="cbtf_21">

CB Plugins from JP:
Default language
Bootstrap 2.1.0
Forum Integration (cb.simpleboardtab)
CB Progress 2.1.1
CB Password Strength 1.0.1
CB Captcha 2.4 (is that replaced by antispam plugin now?)
CB Auto Welcome 1.2 (can't find that either?)
CB Core
CB Menu
CB Connections
Content Author
CB Query Field 3.1.1
CB Auto Actions 5.1.3
CB Conditional 3.0.12 (updated from 3.0.10)
CB Forums 3.0.0
CB Core Fields Ajax 1.6.0
CB Profile Update Logger 1.5

CB plugins from thirdparty:
CB plugin for AcyMailing
CB Jevents
Private Messaging System (uddeIM PMS) v3.1

I also uninstalled CB Activity
So far tested with the three thirdparty plugins disabled, that didn't change anything.
Going on to the rest of the long list of plugins...

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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  • fribse2011
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11 years 4 months ago #235374 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Tabs appearing under profile edit
I've been through all the plugins now, disabled them in groups, also tried using the default template instead of bootstrap.
No change, it just keeps showing the tabs.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
Har du brug for en dykkerklub der rummer alle, så kom ned til os.

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  • fribse2011
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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #235375 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Tabs appearing under profile edit
It seems to be something to do with the delimiter field.
I've moved a delimiter field from the 'HiddenFromAll' tab to the 'HiddenFromUsers' tab, that made the 'HiddenFromAll' tab disappear.

Btw. I also see another tab that shouldn't appear, the vcard tab that is also a delimiter field.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
Har du brug for en dykkerklub der rummer alle, så kom ned til os.
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by fribse2011.

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  • fribse2011
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11 years 4 months ago #235377 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Tabs appearing under profile edit
Hmm, but the user status does not have a delimiter field.
It has the following types:
Online Status status
Site medlem datetime
Sidst online datetime
Forbindelser connections
Poster i forumet forumstats
Karma forumstats
Forum rang forumstats
Tak i forum integer

The other tabs only holds delimiter fields.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
Har du brug for en dykkerklub der rummer alle, så kom ned til os.

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