I would like to make some actions, with CB auto actions. But i don't know how to do...
In fact, i've create a site, an ads Website with adsmanager, i've installed Community Builder and upload some plugins like CB Conditonnal and CB auto Actions, and i use Joomla 3.1.5.
My idea by steps is :
- Someone register in my website and post an ad (an offer for exemple) with specifications (section, sub-section, qualities and various attributes)
All this specifications are saved in adsmanager.
- After an other person will come on the site and register. In that registration, the user can choose between a lot of attributes to specific his profile (a demand for example). I took the same section, sub-section, qualities and various attributes in community builder in that adsmanager.
- After the two seizures, i want to use Auto actions, in objective to make some match, with the corresponding specifications entered by the previous users.
For example, someone post(an offer) an ad like :
For sale
Attribute 1 : Brand-> Volvo
Atrribute 2 : Color->Red
Attribute 3 : Category->Road
And after someone post a demand like
Attribute 1 : Brand-> Volvo
Atrribute 2 : Color->Red
Attribute 3 : Category->Road
I want inform both advertisers, that a match is found, by email and in there account in a tab i've create for that.
Obviously in that event, there is 100% matching, so i want to be able to select attributes or sections for that job...
I have no idea where to start ...I just know that Auto Actions is able to solve my problem.
Can someone help me ?
Best Regards.