I've a configuration problem with my community builder fields. I've made a big form with a lot of attributes, i've used cb conditional to show or not some fields, and all is ok. But when i suscribe via my form, the registration is ok, but in the tab users, in community builder, the fields are not saved. That is a problem for me, because, i want to match some fields and making relations between them.
Have you an idea for that ?
I've an other question, i want to implement subcriptions to unlock functionnalities, like post an ad.
In my project, ad website, client, post and paid per ad, but i want to offer the possibilitie to post an ad via a subscription.
Example : 1 month, the person can consult or post some ads until the end of the subscription. I would be able to apply this option on adsmanager categories.
I use Joomla 3.1.5, Adsmanager 2.9.4 and i have CB pro acount.
Best Regards.