in the plugin.cbactivity.php, I adapted the code as follows:
public function onAfterUserUpdate( $user, $userDuplicate, $oldUser ) {
// [...]
$me =& JFactory::getUser();
$uid= $me->get('id');
// [...]
$activity->set( 'user_id', (int) $uid);
// I also tried this in addition:
// $activity->set( 'user', (int) $uid);
// [...]
Upon debugging, I see, that my (i.e. the super user's ID) is there, but it has no effect on the activity tab. There's still the other user shown. In both cases (setting user_id / setting user_id + user), on the activity wall the thumbnail and name of the other user are shown, in the Activity Plugin, this other user is listed as Owner. Did I miss anything?