Hi there,
When I want to add a new user to CB then I get a new white screen with no further errors and the user is not added.
I am using CB 1.9.1 with Joomla 3.2.0
These are the last lines from the debug output. Can anyone advice what could be wrong ?
UPDATE `oyf7c_comprofiler`
SET `cbactivation` = ''
WHERE `id` = 29097
UPDATE `oyf7c_users`
SET `activation` = ''
WHERE `id` = 29098
SELECT f.* FROM oyf7c_comprofiler_fields f
INNER JOIN oyf7c_comprofiler_tabs AS t ON (f.tabid = t.tabid)
WHERE f.published = 1
ORDER BY t.position, t.ordering, f.orderingPOST: array (
'avatar__choice' => '',
'firstname' => 'Firstname-here',
'middlename' => '',
'lastname' => 'Last-name-here',
'email' => 'email-here',
'username' => 'username-here',
'password' => '',
'password__verify' => '',
'params' =>
array (
'admin_style' => '',
'admin_language' => '',
'language' => '',
'editor' => '',
'helpsite' => '',
'timezone' => 'Europe/Luxembourg',
'gid' =>
array (
0 => '2',
'block' => '0',
'approved' => '1',
'confirmed' => '1',
'sendEmail' => '0',
'cb_telephone' => '',
'cb_mobile' => '',
'cb_jobtitle' => '',
'cb_company' => '',
'id' => NULL,
'newCBuser' => '1',
'option' => 'com_comprofiler',
'task' => 'save',
'cbsecuritym3' => 'cbm_70cc3029_35adc567_9b24d2a749ed35ef298221485e472878',