To enable user registration with email only I had the email copy to the usename using auto actions, and it was working fine until now, when registering I get
"Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 2 characters and must not contain the following characters: < > \ " ' % ; ( ) &"
As far as I am aware the only changes since it worked are updating from Joomla 2.5.14 to 2.5.16, and php from Version 5.3.27 to Version 5.4.22 it seems to have stopped working.
Auto actions settings are
Type: Field
Trigger: onAfterUserRegistration
Access: Everybody
Field: Username
Operator: Set
When it worked it put firstname lastname as username, then when moderator approved, username became the email.
Joomla 2.5.16, standard SEF URL's with suffix
CB 1.9, Auto Actions
CB Subs 3.0.0
Passwords won't be an issue here then only Usernames will. Joomla 2.5.16 and 3.2 no longer allow spaces in usernames. So if you're generating usernames from name this maybe blocking users from registering. Believe next Joomla release is reverting this change though.
I replaced /libraries/joomla/database/table/user.php with the file from a 2.5.14 site, and that fixed it. Hopefully this will change back on the next release.