Joomla 2.5.16
Community Builder 1.9.1 (Professional)
Regarding Profile sharing: My CB List is made up of high school athletes. The intent is to allow individuals to invite college recruiters to view their profile details. Most tabs and fields are available for public view. However, there are some tabs that only invited recruiters should be allowed to view as they contain sensitive contact information.
I have followed the advice from an earlier post and created a delimiter field which contains the following code:
<a href="[cb:config param="live_site" /]/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userprofile&user=[user_id]">[cb:config param="live_site" /]/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userprofile&user=[user_id]</a>
This works well as a link pasted into an email recruiter invitation. All the "public" tabs are available. My problem is that I want some of the tabs to have "special" access status for viewing only by invited recruiters.
Is this possible? Is there another parameter that could be added to the link code which would grant a higher level of access? Or perhaps there is an entirely different method? Looking for direction.
Thank you.