Ajax Points is replaced in CB 2.0 with an internal Points field (improved quite a bit), but basically it provides a incrementing fieldtype. For example the Karma under Posts (to the left) could be duplicated using a Points field.
Ajax text is basically just a text field that can be edited from profile view instead of profile edit. This plugin is deprecated and you should use CB Core Fields Ajax though as it provides ajax features for more fieldtypes.
CB Query Field has quite a bit of advanced functionality. Its basic Query fieldtype allows you to query a database and output the results as a field value on users profiles. There's also the Query select types, which are like normal select fields except they get their values from a database query instead of manually entering them while editing the field in backend. There's also the Query validation feature, which allows you to validate a normal fields value against a database query (this is good for checking values to ensure they're unique, etc..).
As KatoKalin provided we also have tutorials available for some of this. Yes, our documentation is a bit dated at the moment, but Nick has been working very hard to build new documentation for release at a later time (after most of CB 2.0 has become more finalized).
Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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