Hi Kyle,
with all due respect, I think I have to contradict here.
It doesn't matter to me in how many locations you've used that string.
Let me say why I think you are not right:
First of all it's not just a notice it's an official email sent from one user to another user through our site and it could be very easily mistaken as an unwanted letter.
Then, in the subject or in the message the sender can write anything he, she or "it" wants.
The main problem is that it's not completely evident to the receiver that the email came from our site.
Here is what are the original strings, I've removed a few of the "-" to be clearer:
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE',"-- This is a message from %s at %s ( %s ) to you: --\r\n\r\n");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_REPLYTO',"\r\n\r\nWhen replying, please check carefully that the email address of %s is %s.");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_DISCLAIMER',"\r\n\r\n-- NOTES: --\r\n\r\nThis user did not see your email address. If you reply the recipient will have your email address.\r\n\r\n%s owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email and of user email addresses.");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_MESSAGEHEADER',"\r\n\r\n\r\n-- Message from %s to you: --\r\n\r\n");
Here is what I've manage to make:
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE',"Dear Example Site Member,\r\n\r\n\"%s\" has sent this email to you through the %s ( %s ) mailing system.\r\n\r\nHere is the message that was sent to you:\r\n\r\n--\r\n\r\n");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_REPLYTO',"\r\n\r\nWhen replying, please check carefully that the email address of %s is %s.");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_DISCLAIMER',"\r\n\r\n--\r\n\r\n\r\nNOTES:\r\n\r\nExample Site takes no liability for the sending of this email or its content.\r\n\r\nThe sender did not see your email address but if you reply the recipient will have your email address.\r\n\r\nYou can report this message as unsolicited (spam/spoof) email by forwarding it to: spam.reports@ExampleSite.com");
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_MESSAGEHEADER',"\r\n\r\n\r\nMessage from %s to you:\r\n\r\n");
In this case the receiver gets an email with whatever Subject, with whatever Message, and with WHATEVER FROM NAME e.g. John Grisham @ ExampleSite.com [exampleemail@yahoo.com]
I think this is not efficient to make our emails stand out. I think we have to include the name, the username or both in the email that the receiver gets.
Please consider it and inform me if you make progress on this.
Thank you
Best regards