I am looking for an easy way to update Mailman when the email address changes. Turns out there are a couple of URLs that when sent to mailman will unsubscribe or subscribe a member. I have tested these URLs and they work perfectly. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get them to work in Auto Actions Code.
For instance, to unsubscribe a member from Mailman, you would send the below URL.
Obviously you would fill in the angle brackets with the correct values.
Type: code
Trigger: OnAfterUserUpdate
Conditional: [var1_email] NOTEQUAL [var3_email]
Method: PHP (create_function)
$handle = fopen(http://example.com/mailman/admin/<listname>/members/remove?send_unsub_ack_to_this_batch=0&send_unsub_notifications_to_list_owner=0&unsubscribees_upload=[var3_email]&adminpw=<adminpassword>
Doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?