This is doable, but it takes chaining 2 plugins together. The first is CB Query Field. We need to first query that the user is an active member of your golf group using a CB Query Field. To do this you'd setup the CB Query Field as follows.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__groupjive_users` WHERE `user_id` = '[user_id]' AND `status` IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) AND `group` = GROUP_ID_HERE
Mode: Internal
Output: Single Row
Columns: Single Column
Be sure to replace GROUP_ID_HERE with the actual ID of your Golf group. You can find this within GroupJive > Groups in the backend (far right ID column).
Next you'll need to add the below conditional to your tab.
Display: Tab conditional
Field: Value (under Custom at the bottom of the select)
Value: [cb:userfield field="QUERY_FIELD_NAME_HERE" /]
Translate Value: Disable
Operator: Greater Than or Equal To
Value: 1
Translate Value: Disable
Mode: Show
With the above be sure to replace QUERY_FIELD_NAME_HERE with the name of your query field (e.g. cb_myfield).
This should give what you're wanting or at the least require minimal adjustments. Please see the below tutorial for further usage information for CB Conditional.