Hi there,
Just trying to get my head around how CB works with Joomla on categories.
I have installed the CB Professional and am also integrating on top of this, JomClassifieds. What I need to know is where I input my 100+ categories...
If I input all the categories at Joomla level, will there be a way to integrate them all to CB? (...and hopefully also into JomClassifieds although I realize that you can't speak for them.) Although if there is a way to integrate all the categories and sub-categories into CB then the same should apply to any other add-on?)
At CB level, the categories are used for blogs and groups. The same categories will be used for JomClassifieds to advertise products, services and events.
I am trying to find a way to avoid in-putting all these categories 3 times! i.e. 1. Joomla, 2. CB and 3. JomClassifieds.
I'd be very grateful for some guidance on this...