Thank a lot! it works perfectly, after two days tab becomes uneditable still remaining on profile.
here is what i did following your advice:
set availability by Owner's Subscriptions to detailed tab access
1) For other viewers:
Owner Plans controlling tab available in profile: Plan A (a week long)
2) For Profile owner himself- profile owner is also restricted
Owner plans controlling tab editable: Plan B (2 hours long)
But now need some more advice with plans set up:
There are two plans top plan A (1 week) and child plan B (2 days). The user subscribes for plan A allowed on registration and then upgrades to plan B. Plan B has only one aim - to make one tab available for user to edit for 2 days, and ideally i would like to make user unaware of existence of plan B at all - is that technically possible?
So far after trying a few variations, i made plan B visible from admin backend only (from access), but then i have to manually upgrade user to it, and it appears on user profile on frontend anyway
My question: is it possible to automate it - eg when one plan (A) is subscribed another plan (
to be automatically selected too and plus be hidden from frontend user profile?
Thanks again