I need to set a field value upon a members usergroups. I cannot find any substitution for that. Is is possible in any way?
A new user registeres to a site and chooses in a dropdown-list, if he is either "Manager" or "Taxidriver". He gets automatically assigned to usergroup "ManagersGroup" or "TaxidriversGroup". Now a separate field called "HasTaxiLicense" should be set to strings "no" for the manager or "yes" for the taxidriver by default upon registration, but the field should not be shown during registration or in usertabs at the frondent, because it is only for internal use.
The easiest way for me would be if i can check the assigned group with triggers "onAfterUserRegistration,onAfterUserUpdate,onAfterUpdateUser". This updates the field even if the user changes his employment from manager to taxidriver..
How can I solve this? Maybe theres a was for substituting a sql-select?
Thanx in advance for your help!