Thanks Kyle, I appreciate the response.
I was able to figure it out with only a few simple changes. If anybody else is interested in this here are the changes:
Line 26 (or therabouts) find:
if ( $rows ) foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
And replace with:
if ( $rows ) {
$chunkrows = array_chunk($rows,2);
foreach ($chunkrows as $chunkcol ) {
$return .= '<div class="gjcontent span10"> <div class="row-fluid">';
foreach ( $chunkcol as $row ) {
On Line 43 (or therabouts) find:
$return .= '<div class="gjContent row-fluid">'
And add this just inside the opening ' right next to the div statement:
<div class="gjContent span6">
I had made this change a few days ago so I don't recall if I just had to change the class or add the whole div, but ultimately line 43 should now read:
$return .= '<div class="gjContent span6"> <div class="gjContent row-fluid">'
Now we need to close all of our tags.
On line 86, inside of the foreach $row closing brace, add a closing div. This will be right before the else statement:
Now, we need to close our added foreach statement and close out the relocated if, just before the else statement:
$return .= '</div> </div>';
} //closes foreach ($chunkrows as $chunkcol )
} //closes if ($rows)
With this in place you should have a two column layout for your groups. If you want three columns just change the chunk size to 3 and change the span10 and span6 classes on divs as appropriate according to
bootstrap scaffolding
. I am using span10 and span6 because that is what fits well inside of my template. With any luck it should look like the attached screenshot: