If they were image fields you'd be able to add all 4 image fields to the list, but as it's a plugin tab it's basically all or nothing as you can render a tab using substitutions, but you won't be able to tell it to only show 4 images. You could try using CB Query Field to query the database for 4 entries then construct their HTML manually. Example of this as follows.
SELECT `pgitemfilename` FROM `#__comprofiler_plug_profilegallery` WHERE `userid` = '[user_id]' AND `pgitempublished` = 1 AND `pgitemapproved` = 1 LIMIT 4
Output: Multiple Rows
<img src="[cb:config param="live_site" /]/images/comprofiler/plug_profilegallery/[user_id]/tn[column_pgitemfilename]" />
The above should grab the first 4 images from the users profile gallery. Then parse it into an image tag. The config substitution auto prepends the live site path. The path way is then unique based off user id which is also substituted in. Finally the filename for the image is substituted in by substituting the database column selected in the query. The "tn" before the filename ensures the thumbnail image is returned instead of fullsized as fullsized is probably too large for userlist display.
Please understand the above is just an example. It was not tested. Adjust as necessary.