I know about nothing and do not wish to know anything further...
I am getting hosted by a german company (Hetzner) so I guess that they are taking care of this since it is their server and their ISP router. Or they have a valid reason why it is necessary for them to collect the information.
Regarding AWStats and/or Google analytics, I have them in my user acknowledgements. I have to explicitely warn about them. In short: "Rechtlicher Anstoß für die Kritik ist häufig das Speichern der IP-Adresse und das Verwenden von Cookies" (translated: Legal Background for the criticism (regarding AWSstats and other web analytics) is often the saving of the IP-adress and the use of Cookies.
Here is the basis for this: §15 TMG: Collection of personal data (it is still not 100% clear if IP adresses are personal data, but the law is tending towards it) is only allowed to save this if it is used to satisfy the use of the media. This use is only allowed if the user has a way to negate the use.
Also,"Nach § 13 Telemediengesetz (TMG) haben Anbieter von Internetportalen sicherzustellen, dass „die anfallenden personenbezogenen Daten über den Ablauf des Zugriffs oder der sonstigen Nutzung unmittelbar nach deren Beendigung gelöscht“ werden" Summary translation: According to §13 TMG, Webmasters (or rather website controllers) have the duty to delete the personal data as soon as the person leaves the portal. The data is also not allowed to be used for further analysis unless pseudomised and even then you would need the agreement of the person whose data you use (§4d BDSG if I remember right).
In general, the whole data collection is a very grey area. The AWStats is given by my webhoster so they must be aware to some extent of this.
Curiosity satisfied?