I have done the test, this is what I get:
All CB fields data storage Database is up to date.
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Table #__comprofiler Column avatar structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column avatarapproved structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column hits structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column registerDate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column lastvisitDate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastupdatedate structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column email exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column username exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__users Column name exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column firstname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column middlename structure is up-to-date.
Table #__comprofiler Column lastname structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column password structure is up-to-date.
Table #__users Column params exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_address1 exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_address2 exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_towncity exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_postcode exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_homephone exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_mobilephone exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column fbviewtype exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column fbordering exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column fbsignature exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_hhpsmembershipnumber exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table jos_comprofiler Column cb_committeemember exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_committeeposition exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_digitalgroup exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_studiogroup exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_cbsectionbw exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_cbsectioncol exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_cbsectionpi exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_interests exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_cameras exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_lenses exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_lighting exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_other exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_printers exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_software exists but is not of strict type, so not checked.
Table #__comprofiler Column cb_computer structure is up-to-date.
CB fields data storage database checks done. If all lines above are in green, test completed successfully. Otherwise, please take corrective measures proposed in red