I did that. I created a whole entire new tab that would be visible on a List but not on a profile.
I created the new fields based on what you had told me. The fields did work
The problem is, since the field the data comes from originally is not on a public tab, the new tab carries over the same security properties than the original.
Therefore, the field will not show on public view, even though the tab is public.
Is there a way around it?
Here is my delema: I have a List on my site that shows our organizations officers. I do want to show their phone numbers & link to email contact page. In order for the e-mail contact page to work, I had to make the profiles public as Nick had stated. Which brought me to the problem I have now. So, I created the new tab, and made the Tab public, but doesn't show on the profile. Well that works however, since the original data field is on a Tab that does not show on the profile, it causes the same data on the new field not to show up in my user list.
The reason I want to do this is, in case one of the officers updates their information, it changes it on the officers list page as well. I didn't want the entire membership's information public, but for the officers only, if they are on that Officers List, I wanted them only to show up.
Is there a work around to get around that? I have created the new tab, and the new fields and it works, other than the public view issue.