in the tutorial for substitutions in cb fields you say it's possible to use with operators and
and so on, but you don't give examples. This would be a big help (at least for me).
If you have it and I didn't find it send me a link, please.
It's designed to work basically just like PHP conditions. Example as follows.
[cb:if username="demo" or username="admin"]This is Demo or Admin being displayed.[/cb:if]
I'll add a few examples to the bottom of the substitutions page.
I need somethin with two ifs (if ... and if... then)
There is no ifelse or else usage. It's planned, but not currently implemented. You basically need to reverse the conditions. Example as follows.
[cb:if username="demo"]This is Demo being displayed.[/cb:if]
[cb:if username!="demo"]This is NOT Demo being displayed.[/cb:if]