Hello and thank you for your reply,
It was the corret answer.
The problem is that it still shows tabs that should not be visible.
Let me explain myself.
When a user registers on our website he chooses between 4 categories of profile : "Ancien élève", "Parent d'élève", "Enseignant ou personnel adminsitratif" and "Ami ou bienfaiteur".
If he chooses "Ancien élève" he only has to fill in the fields corresponding to the "Ancien élève" tab and other independent tabs.
Now if he chooses "Ancien élève" he still has only to fill in the correspondig fields but the other tabs : "Parent d'élève, "Enseignant ou personnel adminsiratif" and "Ami ou bienfaiteur" are still visible even if they correclty do not display any fields.
By the way it is not possible to click on tabs titles to progress through the registration process, only "Previous" ("Précédent" in french) and "Next" ("Suivant" in french) do the job.
Is there a way to solve these two bugs ?
Please feel free to visit our registration page (
) to understand what I am talking about.