It's a fontawesome icon. The fontawesome CSS file is included with CBs template (you can see it in your default template folder as fontawesome.css). You can supply your own fontawesome, modify the existing fontawesome, or add CSS to replace the icon with whatever you want. Example as follows to replace the online status icons.
.cb_template .cb_online > span:before {
content: "\f06e";
.cb_template .cb_offline > span:before {
content: "\f070";
You can use any fontawesome icon content you'd like. You can find them at the below link or you can check fontawesome.css for their content codes. You can also set the content to empty with "" and display the icon however you like (e.g. change it to block, set a height/width, and add a background image for an image icon).
The online/offline display is a bit different in the canvas though as it uses custom CSS in the template.css to turn it into green/red circles with a border.
Additionally you can shut off our fontawesome entirely in CB > Configuration > Integrations if you choose to provide fontawesome externally.