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500- Internal Server Error

  • sylvanr
  • sylvanr
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9 years 10 months ago - 9 years 10 months ago #255953 by sylvanr
500- Internal Server Error was created by sylvanr
I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and started rebuilding my site and everything seemed to working fine until a couple of days ago. I had also been told previously that I might have too many fields in the database and so I rebuilt by site and cut the number of fields by quite a bit. I think I only have about a quarter of the fields I had previously. The problem is similar in that, after adding some data to a field and clicking "Update," I get an error message.

Here is a link to the ticket I had previously with Joomlapolis when I was still at IxWebhosting before rebuilding my site: ( )

It was suggested previously that I use something like RSForms and I looked at that but that seemed to lack a lot of the capabilities that I wanted/needed that Community Builder provides. I could not see how to make that work. I was hoping that rebuilding my site with less fields in Community Builder would help but apparently not. I have attached a screen shot of the error message.

Siteground investigated for me and here is what they found:

"We have reviewed your issue in detail. We have traced the execution of the process that returns ISE error message. It seems that the content under all tabs of the "Write/Edit my story" section is saved in single Mysql row, which is currently exceeding the allowed limits since you have already added quite some content to your "Write/Edit my story" section.

The trace that we have performed is returning the following results:

17065 write(1, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\ ">\n\ " xml:lang=\"en-gb\" lang=\"en-gb\" dir=\"ltr\">\n\n\t\n\t1118 - Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB or using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 768 bytes is stored inline. SQL=UPDATE `izk_comprofiler` SET `user_id` = 432, `firstname` = 'sylvan', `lastname` = 'rogers', `hits` = '5', `message_last_sent` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `message_number_sent` = '0', `avatarapproved` = '1', `approved` = 1, `confirmed` = 1, `registeripaddr` = '', `cbactivation` = '', `banned` = '0', `acceptedterms` = '0', `lastupdatedate` = '2015-01-01 02:34:16', `canvasapproved` = '1', `cb_familystory` = '<p>My mom was married to a man with the last name of Tarbert and had two children with him, a boy and a girl. The girl would die as a toddler. The boy was James Tarbert, whom we always called Jim. After my mom divorced Jim\\'s father, she was living in Grandview, Washington and running a restaurant when she met my father. Darlene was the first child, Roger the second and I was the third. After my dad left my mom for Irene, he had three children with her: Donna was the oldest, David the second and Hebert was the baby. When my mom remarried to George McHenry, he already had five daughters, Sandra, Carol, Barbara, Connie and Georgie. They were an integral part of our lives during the years my mom and George had a home in Escondido, California. I lost contact with them during my twenties and would not see any of them again until my mother died. Carol and Barbie came to the funeral. When George died a few years later, all of the girls "..., 1342441) = 1342441<br> 17065 munmap(0x7f4630b0c000, 528384) = 0<br> 17065 brk(0x54b6000) = 0x54b6000<br> <br> I have also found a thread in the Community builder forums related to the issue that you are experiencing:<br> <br> <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> <br> <br> You may consider contacting the Community Builder developers for further assistance on the issue that you are experiencing."</i><br> <br> I have already tried CB Tools "Check Community Builder User Fields Database. Following the "<a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> " thread, two weeks and two days ago, user kuntarkintir was having a similar problem. Krileon had said "I believe this is due to you storing a very large amount of text (10+ paragraphs it would seam) into a single field." If that is the problem and it is necessary to store 10+ paragraphs in a text edit field, what is the solution?<br> <br> I see at "<a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> " that kuntarkintir issue is labeled "Bug #4946." There is mention of something called InnoDB. I'm not sure what that means? That was posted about 16 days ago. There is no mention as to whether kuntarkintir's issue was resolved? I believe my issue 3 wks or so ago when I was with IxWebhosting is essentially the same as now with Siteground and is the same issue kuntarkintir was having.<br> <br> When Siteground tech support says "It seems that the content under all tabs of the "Write/Edit my story" section is saved in single Mysql row, which is currently exceeding the allowed limits," how can I increase the "allowed limits?"<br> <br> Is this relevant? <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> <br> <br> Or this? <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> <br> <br> Or? <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> </div> </div> <div class="card pb-3 pd-3 mb-3"> <div class="card-header">Attachments:</div> <div class="card-body kattach"> <ul class="thumbnails" style="list-style:none;"> <li class="col-md-3 text-center"> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="...ervererror.png" data-fancybox="gallery"> <img loading=lazy src="" style="max-height: 60px;" width="60" height="60" alt="500internalservererror.png"/> </a> <a class="btn btn-outline-primary border btn-sm" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-trigger="hover" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-bs-content="Filesize: 116KB" data-original-title="...ervererror.png" href="" title="...ervererror.png" data-fancybox="none"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-alert-circle" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm0 1a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path d="M9.002 13a1 1 0 112 0 1 1 0 01-2 0zM9.1 6.995a.905.905 0 111.8 0l-.35 3.507a.553.553 0 01-1.1 0L9.1 6.995z"></path> </svg></a> </div> </li> </ul></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="alert alert-info d-none d-sm-block" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="01 Jan 2015 19:14"> Last edit: 9 years 10 months ago by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span>. </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row message"> <div class="col-md-2 shadow rounded d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="unstyled center profilebox"> <li><strong><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow">sylvanr</a></strong></li> <li><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="sylvanr" title="sylvanr" class="cbImgPict cbFullPict img-thumbnail rounded-circle cbImgAvatar" /></a></li> <li><span class="cb_offline text-danger"><span class="fa fa-circle-o"></span> OFFLINE</span></li> <li>Posts: 32</li> <li>Thanks: 1</li> <li>Karma: 0 </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-10 shadow-lg rounded message-published"> <small class="float-end"> <span class="text-muted"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-clock" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm8-7a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 4a.5.5 0 01.5.5V10a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H5.5a.5.5 0 010-1h4v-5A.5.5 0 0110 4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="03 Jan 2015 18:29">9 years 10 months ago</span> - <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-pencil" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M13.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l2 2a1 1 0 010 1.414l-9 9a1 1 0 01-.39.242l-3 1a1 1 0 01-1.266-1.265l1-3a1 1 0 01.242-.391l9-9zM14 4l2 2-9 9-3 1 1-3 9-9z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.146 8.354l-2.5-2.5.708-.708 2.5 2.5-.708.708zM5 12v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H6v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H7v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H8v-1.5a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5H7v-.5a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5H5z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="03 Jan 2015 18:37">9 years 10 months ago</span> <a href="#256070" id="256070" rel="canonical">#256070</a> <span class="d-block d-sm-none">by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></span> </span> </small> <div class="shadow-none p-4 mb-5 rounded"> <div class="mykmsg-header"> Replied by <em><span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></em> on topic <em><a href="/forum/professional-members-support/227895-500-internal-server-error#256070" title="I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and..." class=" topictitle">500- Internal Server Error</a></em> </div> <div class="kmsg"> Hm. I understand there was a holiday but still haven't received a response? I upgraded to the "Professional" level but was getting faster response with the "Advanced" level? Am I missing something? Do I need to go back to the Advanced level to post questions? I'm confused as it has never taken this long to get a response on the "Advanced" forum and I posted on this forum a few days ago?<br> <br> When I was having a similar issue a few weeks back,(<a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> ), I was advised that it might be my host and so I moved to a different host, did a clean install and started from scratch and eliminated about 3/4 of the fields I had previously. Krileon had also suggested that the "budget" hosting plan might not be sufficient to handle the amount of data I was trying to input into a record. Besides moving to a new host, I have now upgraded to their "cloud" server so that "page size limit" can be changed. The innodb_page_size = 64K now. The PHP variable upload_max_filesize has been increased to 100m.<br> <br> Well, just an addendum for anyone else on the forum, (still not sure why not getting any response from Joomlapolis?) but the issue FINALLY seems resolved thanks to tech support at Siteground. Moving to a cloud server with the innodb_page_size = 64K now. The PHP variable upload_max_filesize has been increased to 100m. It apparently worked. </div> </div> <div class="alert alert-info d-none d-sm-block" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="03 Jan 2015 18:37"> Last edit: 9 years 10 months ago by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span>. </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row message"> <div class="col-md-2 shadow rounded d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="unstyled center profilebox"> <li><strong><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/krileon" rel="nofollow"><img src="" title="Team Member" style="width: 18px; margin-right: 5px;" />krileon</a></strong></li> <li><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/krileon" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="krileon" title="krileon" class="cbImgPict cbFullPict img-thumbnail rounded-circle cbImgAvatar" /></a></li> <li><span class="cb_online text-success"><span class="fa fa-circle"></span> ONLINE</span></li> <li>Posts: 48479</li> <li>Thanks: 8283</li> <li>Karma: 1443 </li> <li><span><img height="38" width="160" src="" alt="" /></span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-10 shadow-lg rounded message-published"> <small class="float-end"> <span class="text-muted"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-clock" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm8-7a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 4a.5.5 0 01.5.5V10a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H5.5a.5.5 0 010-1h4v-5A.5.5 0 0110 4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="05 Jan 2015 16:04">9 years 10 months ago</span> <a href="#256156" id="256156" rel="canonical">#256156</a> <span class="d-block d-sm-none">by <span class="kwho-admin">krileon</span></span> </span> </small> <div class="shadow-none p-4 mb-5 rounded"> <div class="mykmsg-header"> Replied by <em><span class="kwho-admin">krileon</span></em> on topic <em><a href="/forum/professional-members-support/227895-500-internal-server-error#256156" title="I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and..." class=" topictitle">500- Internal Server Error</a></em> </div> <div class="kmsg"> <blockquote><p class="kmsgtext-quote">Hm. I understand there was a holiday but still haven't received a response? I upgraded to the "Professional" level but was getting faster response with the "Advanced" level? Am I missing something? Do I need to go back to the Advanced level to post questions? I'm confused as it has never taken this long to get a response on the "Advanced" forum and I posted on this forum a few days ago?</p></blockquote> You posted directly on new years day. We took an extended weekend for new years to spend some time with family before starting a new year of CB well rested. I apologize for the delay, but even we need some down time now and again.<br> <br> With that said I'm not sure what you'd like us to add to your issue. We've already confirmed and clarified it's a hosting problem in your previous support topic. There is nothing we could do about it then or now and as you've discovered with some hosting changes your issue is resolved with the help of your hosting provider.<br> <br> Your issue is you're trying to cram so much data into a single table row. That's just not ideal. CB profiles are not Joomla articles. They have dynamic struct while Joomlas do not. CB table can end up with 100+ columns while Joomlas do not. Each column cuts into the row size limits. So the more fields, the more content in those fields, then the closer you get to those limits. Having fields that allow unlimited amount of paragraphs is going to cause you to hit these limits time and time again as users add more and more information to them. This issue particular is why we have parameters to set a maximum limit on such fields so they don't input so much that it cripples your database.<br> <br> I would recommend using CB Blogs to store and display this information so it's stored in Joomlas content tables and won't negatively impact your CB table row size limits. The alternative suggestion was to use a 3rd party form extension then just pull the results of that form extension into CB using a CB Query Field. This splits the storage demands up and improves performance. </div> <div class="ksig"> <hr> <span class="ksignature"><span style="font-size:0.8em"><br> <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> <b><i><span style="color: #0000FF;">Kyle (Krileon)</span></i></b></a> <br> <span style="color: #0000FF;"><b>Community Builder Team Member</b></span><br> <span style="color: #FF0000;"><b>Before posting on forums:</b></span> <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Read FAQ thoroughly</a> + <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Read our Documentation</a> + <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Search the forums</a> <br> <span style="color: #008000;"><b>CB links:</b></span> <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Documentation</a> - <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Localization</a> - <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> CB Quickstart</a> - <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> CB Paid Subscriptions</a> - <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Add-Ons</a> - <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> Forge</a> <br> --<br> <span style="color: #000000;"><b>If you are a <span style="color: #0000FF;">Professional</span>, <span style="color: #C2363F;">Developer</span>, or <span style="color: #38A5C7;">CB Paid Subscriptions</span> subscriber and have a support issue please always post in your respective support forums for best results!</b></span><br> --<br> <span style="color: #000000;"><b>If I've missed your support post <u>with a delay of 3 days or greater</u> and are a <span style="color: #0000FF;">Professional</span>, <span style="color: #C2363F;">Developer</span>, or <span style="color: #38A5C7;">CBSubs</span> subscriber please <a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> send me a private message</a> with your thread and will reply when possible!</b></span><br> --<br> <span style="color: #000000;"><b>Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.</b></span><br> --<br> <span style="color: #000000;"><b>My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.</b></span><br> </span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="kmessage-thankyou"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-heart-fill" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.314C14.438-1.248 25.534 6.735 10 17-5.534 6.736 5.562-1.248 10 3.314z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg>The following user(s) said Thank You: <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span> </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row message"> <div class="col-md-2 shadow rounded d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="unstyled center profilebox"> <li><strong><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow">sylvanr</a></strong></li> <li><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="sylvanr" title="sylvanr" class="cbImgPict cbFullPict img-thumbnail rounded-circle cbImgAvatar" /></a></li> <li><span class="cb_offline text-danger"><span class="fa fa-circle-o"></span> OFFLINE</span></li> <li>Posts: 32</li> <li>Thanks: 1</li> <li>Karma: 0 </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-10 shadow-lg rounded message-published"> <small class="float-end"> <span class="text-muted"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-clock" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm8-7a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 4a.5.5 0 01.5.5V10a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H5.5a.5.5 0 010-1h4v-5A.5.5 0 0110 4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="08 Jan 2015 20:34">9 years 9 months ago</span> <a href="#256547" id="256547" rel="canonical">#256547</a> <span class="d-block d-sm-none">by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></span> </span> </small> <div class="shadow-none p-4 mb-5 rounded"> <div class="mykmsg-header"> Replied by <em><span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></em> on topic <em><a href="/forum/professional-members-support/227895-500-internal-server-error#256547" title="I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and..." class=" topictitle">500- Internal Server Error</a></em> </div> <div class="kmsg"> <blockquote><p class="kmsgtext-quote">krileon wrote: <blockquote><p class="kmsgtext-quote">Your issue is you're trying to cram so much data into a single table row...<br> <br> I would recommend using CB Blogs to store and display this information so it's stored in Joomlas content tables and won't negatively impact your CB table row size limits. The alternative suggestion was to use a 3rd party form extension then just pull the results of that form extension into CB using a CB Query Field. This splits the storage demands up and improves performance.</p></blockquote> <br> I have looked at some 3rd party form extensions, blog and article options. With the form options, I see how I can create a form that you can have an end user fill out and then send the results in an email to the administrator. I really don't want the data sent in an email, though. When the end user clicks a "save" button, I just want the data to be saved to the users record and displayed so that other users with whom they have a CB "Connection" can read the results. Any suggestions for Form plugins or am I more likely to get the result I want with a blog or article option I describe below?<br> <br> I also thought there might be a way to use CB Blogs or CB Articles options but I am not trying to set up a blogging site. I want the end user to write about specific topics- or categories. I can set up categories for articles for the various topics- i.e. "Childhood," "Teens," etc, but can't figure out a way for a "blank" article to show up on it's own tab? Maybe I am missing something or it isn't possible? Since it doesn't seem possible to use the Text Edit Area fields as blog or article posts, is there a way to use a blank blog or article on a tab so it is similar to a Text Edit Area field that the end user could fill in and save to their own record in the Edit page and then have it display on the Read page? I would prefer the article display on it's own tab rather than just a link to an article??<br> <br> Is any of this possible?<br> <br> As always, I do appreciate your feedback, advise and help.</p></blockquote> </div> </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row message"> <div class="col-md-2 shadow rounded d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="unstyled center profilebox"> <li><strong><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow">sylvanr</a></strong></li> <li><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/sylvanr" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="sylvanr" title="sylvanr" class="cbImgPict cbFullPict img-thumbnail rounded-circle cbImgAvatar" /></a></li> <li><span class="cb_offline text-danger"><span class="fa fa-circle-o"></span> OFFLINE</span></li> <li>Posts: 32</li> <li>Thanks: 1</li> <li>Karma: 0 </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-10 shadow-lg rounded message-published"> <small class="float-end"> <span class="text-muted"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-clock" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm8-7a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 4a.5.5 0 01.5.5V10a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H5.5a.5.5 0 010-1h4v-5A.5.5 0 0110 4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="08 Jan 2015 20:35">9 years 9 months ago</span> - <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-pencil" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M13.293 3.293a1 1 0 011.414 0l2 2a1 1 0 010 1.414l-9 9a1 1 0 01-.39.242l-3 1a1 1 0 01-1.266-1.265l1-3a1 1 0 01.242-.391l9-9zM14 4l2 2-9 9-3 1 1-3 9-9z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.146 8.354l-2.5-2.5.708-.708 2.5 2.5-.708.708zM5 12v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H6v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H7v.5a.5.5 0 00.5.5H8v-1.5a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5H7v-.5a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5H5z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="09 Jan 2015 02:39">9 years 9 months ago</span> <a href="#256548" id="256548" rel="canonical">#256548</a> <span class="d-block d-sm-none">by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></span> </span> </small> <div class="shadow-none p-4 mb-5 rounded"> <div class="mykmsg-header"> Replied by <em><span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span></em> on topic <em><a href="/forum/professional-members-support/227895-500-internal-server-error#256548" title="I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and..." class=" topictitle">500- Internal Server Error</a></em> </div> <div class="kmsg"> . </div> </div> <div class="alert alert-info d-none d-sm-block" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="09 Jan 2015 02:39"> Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by <span class="kwho-user">sylvanr</span>. Reason: error </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row message"> <div class="col-md-2 shadow rounded d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="unstyled center profilebox"> <li><strong><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/heyai" rel="nofollow">heyai</a></strong></li> <li><a class="kwho-admin" href="/profile/heyai" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="heyai" title="heyai" class="cbImgPict cbFullPict img-thumbnail rounded-circle cbImgAvatar" /></a></li> <li><span class="cb_offline text-danger"><span class="fa fa-circle-o"></span> OFFLINE</span></li> <li>Posts: 324</li> <li>Thanks: 79</li> <li>Karma: 24 </li> <li></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-10 shadow-lg rounded message-published"> <small class="float-end"> <span class="text-muted"> <svg xmlns="" class="bi bi-clock" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 17a7 7 0 100-14 7 7 0 000 14zm8-7a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 4a.5.5 0 01.5.5V10a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H5.5a.5.5 0 010-1h4v-5A.5.5 0 0110 4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> <span class="kdate " data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="09 Jan 2015 05:06">9 years 9 months ago</span> <a href="#256558" id="256558" rel="canonical">#256558</a> <span class="d-block d-sm-none">by <span class="kwho-user">heyai</span></span> </span> </small> <div class="shadow-none p-4 mb-5 rounded"> <div class="mykmsg-header"> Replied by <em><span class="kwho-user">heyai</span></em> on topic <em><a href="/forum/professional-members-support/227895-500-internal-server-error#256558" title="I had a similar issue previously with a different hosting service, (IxWebhosting), and was advised that the problem might be with the hosting service. I moved to a new hosting service, Siteground, and..." class=" topictitle">500- Internal Server Error</a></em> </div> <div class="kmsg"> If you set up a tab with just a text area field and use an editor like tinyMCE set to advanced options they can look just like articles in their own tab. Don't show the field title on Profile View.<br> Maybe using CB Conditional you can show another empty tab available if there is input in the first tab.<br> Maybe that's closer to what you're wanting?<br> <br> Your last post with the large quote didn't look like you added anything, which is why I didn't read it at first. And what's the empty post? </div> <div class="ksig"> <hr> <span class="ksignature"><a href="" class="bbcode_url" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=""> hey-ai</a> - the community for asian guys and non-asian girls<br> <br> The search bar is your friend, not just decoration!</span> </div> </div> <p>Please <a class="btn-link" href="/component/users/login?return=aHR0cHM6Ly92ZXJzaW9ucy5qb29tbGFwb2xpcy5jb20vZm9ydW0vcHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsLW1lbWJlcnMtc3VwcG9ydC8yMjc4OTUtNTAwLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZlci1lcnJvcg==&Itemid=101" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> or <a class="btn-link" href="">Create an account</a> to join the conversation.</p> <div class="kmessagepadding"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="float-start"> <nav class="d-none d-sm-block"> <ul class="pagination ms-0"> <li class="page-item disabled"><a class="page-link">Start</a></li><li class="page-item disabled"><a class="page-link">Prev</a></li><li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link">1</a></li><li class="page-item"> <a 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