Then set your maximum upload size to 6MBs. This is already default set to 1MB. The encoding just determines the compression ratio. Security wise there's no difference between the formats.Wrong you think! wav format involves large volumes, a sound file format wav least 30-49 megabytes if analogue mp3 only 5-6 megabytes.
All images are resampled. This means they're exploded by GD into bytes and rebuilt. This strips invalid data from the image. That's just not possible with resampling left enabled, which it is by default.gif file, you can sew a trojan!
nant wrote:
Vasilij30 wrote:
Vasilij30 wrote: You are not understanding me !!
I need to know the way already installed the plugin, so we see what I circled in red.
The path to the file (for example /components/com_comprofiler/....??)
You answer this question? Whence (comes with a text output file)
Those strings can be translated in your cbgallery-language.php file which should be located if you have installed the Russian language plugin (I have given you links before) in your component -> com_comprofiler -> plugin -> language -> ru-RU -> cbplugin folder
Vasilij30 wrote:
nant wrote:
Vasilij30 wrote:
Vasilij30 wrote: You are not understanding me !!
I need to know the way already installed the plugin, so we see what I circled in red.
The path to the file (for example /components/com_comprofiler/....??)
You answer this question? Whence (comes with a text output file)
Those strings can be translated in your cbgallery-language.php file which should be located if you have installed the Russian language plugin (I have given you links before) in your component -> com_comprofiler -> plugin -> language -> ru-RU -> cbplugin folder
that there is no ((