after downloading the latest version of Community Builder (2.0.7), I have purchased a professional account. I am encountering several difficulties with both CB Connect that with CB GroupJive 2.7.0. In particular, with respect to the latter and its plugin, on the site backend I get the alert that plugins are not compatible with the installed version of Community Builder and therefore may not function properly. Then I tried to make even upgrade my Joomla from version 3.3.6 to 3.4.0, but nothing has changed and I do not understand where the problem is. Even trying to reinstall the components does not change the result.
Also, I bought a template (gantry) that should be responsive, but that on Ipad is no longer readable. The technical managers of the template, after entering the site in backend, they told me to solve the problem with the Community Builder plugin before they start working at the problem.
Can anyone help me please to resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Luca Lavopa