Hi. I was trying to find a way to solve the problem with Russian letters in the field names. I don't want to translate all CB, but I need some fields (that I created) in a different language. Actually I need to use some letters from different languages. When I type a title like normal word in Russian it shows in the back end and in the front end like ?????. The quantity of question marks is the same as quantity of letters I used. How to solve this problem? Joomla 3.3.0 , which I am using now doesn't have this problem, and I am easily use Russian letters in Joomla . Also, I installed Kunena forum, and it shows any letters from any language too. I sent some messages in Russian using CB private messaging module, and it works perfect (it shows Russian letters correctly). The problem is just with fields' names. I am using CB 2.0.7. version of CB. Thanks.