With CBLastviewtab 3.0.3 (Joomla 3.4.1 cb 2.0.7)
Errors when sorting by users or visitors :
Erreur de chargement de la base de données. Vérifiez et réparez votre base de données dans Composants / Community Builder / Outils.
SQL Error (visible to super-admins only): Unknown column 'b.user' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT b.`username` AS `user`, c.`username` AS `viewer`, a.`lastip`, a.`lastview`, a.`viewscount` FROM `xxxx_comprofiler_views` AS a LEFT JOIN `xxxx_users` AS b ON b.`id` = a.`profile_id` LEFT JOIN `xxxx_users` AS c ON c.`id` = a.`viewer_id` ORDER BY b.`user` LIMIT 0, 20
When sorting by IP Adress :
Sorting seems to be made on the first digit of the IP Adress than the next digit...
Exemple : 110.xx.xx.xx comes before 25.xx.xx.xx who comes before 260.xx.xx.xx
Sorting by views and visits seems ok.
Thank you.