I copy a field cb_xxx and obtain a new field named cb_xxx2
Then i delete field cb_xxx and renamed cb_xxx2 onto cb_xxx
And now when I want to edit the field cb_xxx with frontend :
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/mywebsite/www/libraries/CBLib/CB/Database/Table/UserTable.php on line 290
I verify database with Cb Tools and only my previous error are notice
(Attention: 6 entrées dans comprofiler_field_values renvoient à de mauvais champs de fieldtype.
fieldvalueid=117 fieldtype=textarea
fieldvalueid=119 fieldtype=textarea
fieldvalueid=118 fieldtype=textarea
fieldvalueid=243 fieldtype=textarea
fieldvalueid=244 fieldtype=textarea
fieldvalueid=245 fieldtype=textarea
Ceci peut être fixé dans SQL en utilisant un outil comme phpMyAdmin. )
What can I do.