I am sorry, I think I might not explain it well. For example the first name field. The title is _UE_YOUR_FNAME. It will pickup the value of _UE_YOUR_FNAME in the language file and then outputs it as the title of the first name field. In this case the value is "First Name". Now, I created my own language strings for some custom fields (using language override method). One of them is called cb_gender. The language string for this field is _CB_CUSTOM_GENDER. When I enter _CB_CUSTOM_GENDER as the title of the field, it correctly picks up the value (Gender) from the language file and displays it as the title of cb_gender. Now when I want to use _CB_CUSTOM_GENDER in the description or profile value layout, it does not output the value from the language string and file, but instead just renders the plain text: _CB_CUSTOM_GENDER
I am entering the following in the description box or profile value layout: _CB_CUSTOM_GENDER
I am probably entering it wrong and my question is how to exactly enter it?