The problem is on the registration form ONLY.
I explain to you my Cbsubs setting are ok and working well.
It's just cb_template change after migration (I migrated joomla 2.5 to 3 and cb1.9 to 2). Before that, everything working well.
I don't need to revew all my settings just because 1 line in css of cb template was missing/changed.
Before, I added in the code of CB TEMPLATE 1.9 in :
line 3466
.cb_template_bootstrap #stepbystep > ul > .ui-state-disabled > a,
.cb_template_bootstrap #stepbystep > ul > .ui-state-disabled > a:hover {
I added display:none in this function.
And that's it, it was enought.
So now, you tell to me that's not possible actually with this method and I need to revew all my settings.
You are speacking about CB Fields and Tabs Protection Plugin (and I allready try it...).
Is plugin working for Hide Tabs (and not just fields??) in the REGISTRATION FORM ONLY depending on the plan chosen (when people are at this time just concidering like a guest...)?