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petekuhn wrote: CB 2.0.9, CBSubs, Joomla 3.3.6, PHP 5.5.24
In User Management, if I try to sort by subscription, I get this error:
Database loading error. Check and repair your database in Components / Community Builder / Tools.
SQL Error (visible to super-admins only): Unknown column 'a.subscriptions' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT a.`id`, b.`name`, b.`username`, c.`session_id`, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT d.`group_id` SEPARATOR '|*|' ) AS `groups`, b.`email`, ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( e.`name` ) AS `plan_names` FROM `qujx_cbsubs_plans` AS e LEFT JOIN `qujx_cbsubs_subscriptions` AS f ON f.`plan_id` = e.`id` WHERE ( f.`user_id` = a.`id` ) ) AS `subscriptions`, b.`registerDate`, b.`lastvisitDate`, a.`banned`, b.`block`, a.`confirmed`, a.`approved` FROM `qujx_comprofiler` AS a INNER JOIN `qujx_users` AS b ON b.`id` = a.`id` LEFT JOIN `qujx_session` AS c ON c.`client_id` in (0,1) AND c.`userid` = a.`id` LEFT JOIN `qujx_user_usergroup_map` AS d ON d.`user_id` = a.`id` GROUP BY a.`id` ORDER BY a.`subscriptions` LIMIT 0, 20
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