Hi there,
I am experiencing a very strange behaviour when trying to configure the automatic emails. I'm using Joomla 3.4.1 and CB 2.0.9
I'll try to explain what I was doing. Basically I was trying to use bespoke HTML emails on the Registration tab of the Community Builder Configuration.
So I selected:
- Registration Email HTML: Yes
- Pending Email Body: replaced YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE by my HTML email template 1
- Welcome Email Subject: YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT (untouched)
- Welcome Email Body: replaced YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE by my HTML email template 2
Then I pressed save and got the green message saying “Successfully saved Configuration CB Core”. However to my surprise ALL the settings across ALL the tabs in the Community Builder Configuration section where reset to “factory” values (default values upon new install). An all the settings I had changed here were lost (thanks god I was working on a local testing enviroment).
I generated the email HTML templates with MailChimp, so they are pretty massive templates. One has 1000 lines and the other one 700.
If I just use a few lines of HTML instead the problem does not happen or if I use only one of the mailchimp templates they both work great. However I cannot get the two templates working at the same time because as soon as I use both the problem reproduces and the settings go back to installation values.
Obviously the problem comes from the size of the email templates, but I would like to understand:
- why this happens?
- Is there a solution?
- If not, what is the limit?
I was trying to do this because CB uses a different email system than Joomla's. Hence I cannot use existing plugins that integrate Joomla's email with Mandrill where I can store MailChimp templates and pull them on the fly. Any plans to start using Joomla's email system any time soon? - I found a previous post were you said you were aiming at this:
Many thanks!