I logged into my CBSubs today and found the following message:
"Your version 4.0.0 is not the latest version 4.0.1 : CBSubs 4.0.1 is a recommended upgrade: Includes new features as well as bug fixes. See joomlapolis.com for details."
I clicked the link in the message and it took me to a joomlapolis page telling me that "CBSubs GPL 4.0 Stable released". There is no indication on that page as to where I can download the latest version 4.0.1. Are we supposed to search for it? Why doesn't this plugin use the autoupdate feature that other extensions, modules and plugins use? I checked the Community Builder Updates menu in my admin control panel and there are 3 messages telling me that various uddeIM are not compatible with my current CB version, but there is no mention of an update to the CBSubs plugin.
boyjahq wrote: I logged into my CBSubs today and found the following message:
"Your version 4.0.0 is not the latest version 4.0.1 : CBSubs 4.0.1 is a recommended upgrade: Includes new features as well as bug fixes. See joomlapolis.com for details."
I clicked the link in the message and it took me to a joomlapolis page telling me that "CBSubs GPL 4.0 Stable released". There is no indication on that page as to where I can download the latest version 4.0.1. Are we supposed to search for it? Why doesn't this plugin use the autoupdate feature that other extensions, modules and plugins use? I checked the Community Builder Updates menu in my admin control panel and there are 3 messages telling me that various uddeIM are not compatible with my current CB version, but there is no mention of an update to the CBSubs plugin.