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Auto Action that will fire ONLY on the following recurring payments but not on the first one

  • ricco1
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9 years 1 month ago #276981 by ricco1

Could you tell us how to set up a CBAutoAction that will fire only when the following recurring payments are received but not when the first payment is received?

For example:

User subscribes

Recurring payment 1 is received = CBAutoAction will NOT fire

Recurring payment 2 is received = CBAutoAction will fire

Recurring payment 3 is received = CBAutoAction will fire

and so on...

Thank you

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9 years 1 month ago #276985 by krileon
I've already explained how all of this is done in my below reply.

The subscr_payment $eventType is only used for recurring payments. The initial payment (payment 1) is subscr_signup. So conditioning against subscr_payment should only react for payment 2 and onward.

There is no specific trigger for what you're wanting. You need to condition the variables of the trigger supplied in your other topic.

Kyle (Krileon)
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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #276987 by ricco1
Sorry, but I think you are wrong.

Here is an answer from bershika:


Typically subscr_signup is sent after subscr_payment(3 sec apart), but the sequence is not guaranteed. PayPal recommendation is to rely on subscr_signup. Read more here:

and here:


They are almost the same.
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by ricco1.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #277015 by krileon
The subscriptions array of objects has previous_recurrings_used to keep track of recurring that have occurred. So the following condition might work.

[var3_0_previous_recurrings_used] Greater Than 1

There could be issues with this though if there are multiple subscriptions in a basket.

You could act on the user state change instead though using the onCPayUserStateChange trigger and the below conditions to catch auto renewals. This would work with multiple subscriptions in a basket.

[var2] Equal To A
[var6] Equal To PaidSubscription
[var7] Equal To R
[var10] Equal To 1

See the below phpdoc for onCPayUserStateChange to help with conditions.

/** * Called at each change of user subscription state due to a plan activation or deactivation * * @param UserTable $user The user owning the $subscription with that $planId * @param string $status New status: 'A'=Active, 'X'=Expired, 'C'=Cancelled * @param int $planId Plan Id which is changing status * @param int $replacedPlanId Replaced Plan Id in case of an upgrade * @param ParamsInterface $integrationParams Integration parameters for that plan $planId * @param string $cause 'PaidSubscription' (first activation only), 'SubscriptionActivated' (renewals, cancellation reversals), 'SubscriptionDeactivated', 'Denied' * @param string $reason 'N' new subscription, 'R' renewal, 'U'=update ) * @param int $now Unix time * @param cbpaidSomething $subscription Subscription/Donation/Merchandise record * @param int $autorenewed 0: not auto-renewing (manually renewed), 1: automatically renewed (if $reason == 'R') * @return void */ public function onCPayUserStateChange( $user, $status, $planId, $replacedPlanId, $integrationParams, $cause, $reason, $now, $subscription, $autorenewed )

Below is a set of IF conditions checking for various payment events (taken from CBSubs Emails).

if ( ( $status == 'A' ) && ( $cause == 'PaidSubscription' ) && ( $reason != 'R' ) ) { $event = 'activation'; } elseif ( ( $status == 'A' ) && ( $cause == 'PaidSubscription' ) && ( $reason == 'R' ) && ( $autorenewed == 0 ) ) { $event = 'renewal'; } elseif ( ( $status == 'A' ) && ( $cause == 'PaidSubscription' ) && ( $reason == 'R' ) && ( $autorenewed == 1 ) ) { $event = 'autorenewal'; } elseif ( ( $status == 'X' ) && ( $cause != 'Pending' ) ) { $event = 'expired'; } elseif ( ( $status == 'C' ) && ( $cause != 'Pending' ) ) { $event = 'deactivation'; } elseif ( ( $cause == 'Pending' ) && ( $reason != 'R' ) && ( $autorenewed == 0 ) ) { $event = 'pendingfirst'; } elseif ( ( $cause == 'Pending' ) && ( $reason == 'R' ) && ( $autorenewed == 0 ) ) { $event = 'pendingrenewal'; }

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by krileon.

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  • ricco1
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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #277032 by ricco1
I think I've found a temporary salvation to my main problem, which was to get all the invoices together with the ones for the following recurring payments, in the order I needed. Like you said PayPal is managing the statements, so we only need the invoices for all payments, you’ve already done the rest.

Here are the queries for the fields, which I think are the better solution:
SELECT `invoice` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `payment_status` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `payment_method` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `txn_id` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `item_number` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `payer_email` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `item_name` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT CONCAT('<strong>Sub-Total:</strong> £', TRUNCATE( `mc_gross` - `tax`, 2 ), '<br /><br />') AS SubTotal FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT CONCAT('<strong>Tax:</strong> £', TRUNCATE( `tax`, 2 ), '<br /><br />') AS tTax FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT TRUNCATE( `mc_gross`, 2 ) FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT `ip_addresses` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT DATE_FORMAT( `time_updated`, '%T - %d %b %Y' ) AS ttime_updated FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `time_updated` DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT DATE_FORMAT( `expiry_date`, '%T - %d %b %Y' ) AS texpiry_date FROM `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]' ORDER BY `expiry_date` DESC LIMIT 1;

Here are the 3 queries needed for the auto action:
UPDATE `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` SET `invoice` = ( SELECT `invoice` FROM ( SELECT MAX( `invoice` + 1 ) AS `invoice` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` ) AS t ) WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]'; UPDATE `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` SET `proformainvoice` = ( SELECT `proformainvoice` FROM ( SELECT MAX( `proformainvoice` + 1 ) AS `proformainvoice` FROM `#__cbsubs_payment_baskets` ) AS t ) WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]'; UPDATE `#__cbsubs_payments` SET `invoice` = ( SELECT `invoice` FROM ( SELECT MAX( `invoice` + 1 ) AS `invoice` FROM `#__cbsubs_payments` ) AS t ) WHERE `user_id` = '[cb:userdata field="user_id" /]';

Invoices and proformas are set both but to increment by 0.

I think it’s not the perfect way and you are very welcome to correct me, or tell me. I hope I didn't forget something.

Thank you,
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by ricco1.

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  • ricco1
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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #277048 by ricco1
And here is a photo of the 2 auto actions needed to update the invoice and the proforma numbers and to send the invoices as emails.

So far its working.

What do you think? Could it be improved?

Thank you
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by ricco1.

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