I am using Active Directory with JMapMyLDAP for authentication, I've a problem with the first connexion
Community Builder Login module is used
For existing users > Ok
When a user attempt to connect the site for the first time :
- the account is auto-created in Joomla but not in CB
- the redirect page is /login/login with error message "Incorrect email or password. Please try again"
- But refreshing the page and the user is connected with the error message "Your sign up process is not yet complete! [ ….. ] logging in again to receive a new instructions email " and in the same time the user account is created in community builder (with all enable, activated and approved on YES)
Note that in CB configuration the following options are set to :
- GENERAL > Login field type : user name, emaim and authentication plugin
- INSCRIPTION > Approbation by administrator : NO
- INSCRIPTION > Confirmation by email : NO
Joomla - 3.6.2
CB - 2.0.15
did I miss something ?
Thanks - Eric