Everything is as updated as possible.
Again I turned on the debug mode and maximum error reporting, and still I get a really clean white page. No messages of any faults.
I checked the server for faults, and as you see from the screengrab (see top image), there are no clues there either.
The memory is not an issue, as I have 32 MB covered with 64 MB to post.
Yes, I know that video sites such as Youtube etc have predetermined video images.
My perspective is more that video upload possibilities etc are for videos that are not on those sites. I mean, I don't really see the real point of building a site, just to repost Youtube stuff, other than perhaps one here and there.
I don't want to post to Facebook either, due to Copyright issues etc.
But, this is not a huge issue, as everything is working, the vids are playing etc.
The image that is getting placed automatically does work. So this replacement of image to a chosen one is more a wish, since it seems it should be possible.