Hi guys
I can't seem to get the Users action to work here.
I have admintools installed, and the WAF / .htaccess of it is quite restrictive, but I've tried disabling it by renaming the .htaccess to the original Joomla one, and also disabling the WAF by renaming the plugin.
I still can't get it to react.
If I press the 'users' trigger in the backend 'auto-action' it works as it should, it does the jobs it's supposed to, I've enabling debugging, and I see it run through the user objects failing them as it should, except for the one it shouldn't.
However, if I paste the URL in a browser that is not logged in to the backend or frontend, I get redirected to
and the design of the site is shown, just like I clicked on the frontend.
I've also tried having the admintools enabled, and then in the WAF exceptions I did this: