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[SOLVED] Is it possible to make a list with age calculations in it without having a field

  • fribse2011
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8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #290679 by fribse2011
Hi there

Being a small volunteer club we have some obligations of giving our number of memberships to the local municipal.
They want it divided in a ton of age groups.
Part of joining us is giving your birthday.
My dream scenario would be to have a list with sub headers with agegroups.
So one list that does:
0-9 years old
10-14 years old
15-18 years old

etc. etc.

A simpler version would be to have their age shown in a column, like
xxx 8
xxx 10
xxx 12
xxx 12
xxx 16
xxx 16

etc. etc.
A bit less fancy, but it would work.

Is it at all possible to just calculate the age directly in a column? Or do I need to put it in a field first, and somehow have that calculate the age from their birthday?

I know I can make seperate lists, so that I can create one list that shows 0-9, the next list shows 10-14 etc.etc but that is a bit clumsy for our girl sending in the numbers :-)

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject

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  • fribse2011
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8 years 1 month ago #290687 by fribse2011
I've made a small submenu for this, with seperately defined lists, she can work with that, and it works perfectly.
It would be cool to be able to do a masterlist that shows these lists one after another somehow :-)

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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  • krileon
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8 years 1 month ago #290700 by krileon
You'd need to convert the birthdate to age in SQL then use it as an Advanced Sorting on your userlist. You'd be able to sort oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest, but looks like your usage would just be youngest to oldest. As far as grouping them I'm not sure how you'd go about that as there's nothing in the HTML to really help with that, but they'd be ordered properly at least.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • fribse2011
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8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #290767 by fribse2011
Ok, so it's much easier to do seperate lists for the different ageintervals like:
( ( YEAR( NOW() ) - YEAR( ue.`cb_birthday` ) ) < 13 )
As you helped me with previously.

A feature request would be to have a 'masterlist' that would take each of these lists in sequence under each other :-)

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by fribse2011.

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  • krileon
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8 years 1 month ago #290812 by krileon

A feature request would be to have a 'masterlist' that would take each of these lists in sequence under each other

That's a pretty specialized feature that likely will never happen until long in the distant future where you'll be able to likely substitute in views. Quickest way to do that now is basically iframes or something like Components Anywhere in a Joomla article (we've a user doing this successfully).

Kyle (Krileon)
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8 years 1 month ago #290869 by fribse2011
The Components Anywhere sounds like a very cool idea! I'm already using a few tidbits from Regular Labs. I'll try and build something from that.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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