We don't have a JS function called cbFrmSubmitButton. We don't have fieldJS variable on cbTabs class. Looks like CB Profile Pro is still modifying core files despite me adding triggers specifically so they don't have to. I suggest contacting CB Profile Pro regarding this. They can replace profile display, profile edit, and registration purely using triggers now. More specifically the below.
Profile Edit:
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterUserProfileEditDisplay', array( $user, $tabcontent, &$return ) );
Profile Display:
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterUserProfileDisplay', array( $user, true, &$return ) );
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterRegisterFormDisplay', array( $user, $tabcontent, &$return ) );
Basically they just use reference variable $return and they can replace the output with whatever they need.